She put her labor gown on anyway and opted for the best birth she could have.
#Repost @pumping_mama with @repostapp
Flashing back to this day almost 11 months ago. I had an extremely difficult pregnancy and at this point during labor I knew that my birth plan wasn't going to happen but I tried to keep some hope alive.
I just wanted to feel pretty so I wore my @prettypushers labor gown and applied my lipstick 💄 and started taking pics
😂None of my nurses had ever seen a labor gown like this but once they realized that it was made specifically for birthing they were amazed. I ended up needing a c-section but my the Drs were fine with me wearing this in the OR. I opted not to because I wanted to keep it as clean as possible. #BirthWithoutFear #PrettyPushers #CSection #MAClipstick #Pregnancy#PushItRealGood #laborgown #deliverygown #birthplan #birthinggown#hospitalbirth