Pretty Pushers Testimonials — Made in USA

Ahhh that blue Hospital Gown

Erase those not-so-fond memories of the used blue hospital gown by bringing your own labor gown this time...

Pregnant Women disdain the Hospital Gown

Hospital Gown complaints in the L&D ward

"I didn't realize how much of a difference it would make until I saw the mom in my shared room complain about her hospital gown that exposed all of her backside."

Allows quick access for Skin to Skin

"Every single nurse I had in the 36 hour process loved it too"

See this mom's review and candid pic in her Pretty Pushers labor gown.

L&D nurses love this labor gown too

Natural Labor and Delivery in the Hospital

Planning on an active labor?  Cover yourself where it counts!

movement during labor, easy skin to skin afterwards


Great for C-section recovery!

"Cute, Comfy, Easy for the breastpump and a must for a C-section"

Easy for pumping and great for Csection recovery