Packing a Bag for Homebirth

"I have been asked quite a bit if I will be packing a home-birth bag and the answer is, yes!

Why pack a bag if I’m staying home?! The simple answer is that I want everything to be in one spot for my birth team so they aren’t having to ask where things are while I’m in labor. This will also (hopefully) prevent people having to run around or searching for things that I ask for or want."

-Elisha Burns, Bringing up the Burns blog

Just as in a hospital birth, Elisha makes the point that there are comforts and necessities which need to be immediately available.  In her recent blog post, she lists what she has included for birth #3.  A labor gown from Pretty Pushers is one of them!  Also on the list is the bag itself from Lo & Sons, perineal spray and nipple butter from Earth MamaRael cotton pads, and a few other must-haves.

Home birth in a Pretty Pushers labor gown

Subscribe to the Bringing Up The Burns youtube channel for Elisha's upcoming birth story!

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