Pretty Pushers blog — afffirmation

In Her Own Time

Ever feel rushed? Like every day? Taking our time, doing it our way --that's how we want to live but it's not always how we actually live. Then we get to birth and everyone's staring at us, looking at our privates, scrutinizing us with clocks, rates and their own busy schedules. Everyone wants the baby now. Well, they can wait. In fact, they need to wait.



Patience is a virtue in the best of times, but it's priceless when dealing with our bodies in labor.

I'm Unique, You're Unique

We can all recognize at least one time in our lives when we wanted to run with the "in-crowd" when our happiness revolved around fitting in. When a woman gives labor it's her time to dig deep and find her way to get through the difficulties, the pain and the potentially awkward moments of modern delivery. Some women do it with laughter and yoga balls, some do it with hypnobirths and dance sessions. Whether it's kicking and screaming or rocking out through the contractions, the path through pregnancy is a universal experience with infinite expressions. Each woman...