Pretty Pushers blog — alternative hospital gown

Cap Sleeve Transition Gown Review by Ruby Stilettos

Our Cap Sleeve Transition Gown was recently reviewed on the Ruby Stilettos Blog by Christina Maki. Christina writes about all things from breastfeeding, baby wearing, and bed sharing to natural births, baby products and the like.  

In her review, she mentions the importance of choice in creating a positive birthing experience.  Having control of even the smallest aspect of your labor can have an impact! See what she says below:

"One of the most important things in creating a positive birth experience is having choices. It may seem like a little thing to bring your own delivery...

Giving back in NYC

We are lucky enough to be 1 block away from Baby Buggy, an awesome organization founded by Jessica Seinfeld  aimed at distributing donated gear to needy women and families all over the country.  


Pretty Pushers has donated labor gowns to the Nurse-Family program, through which Baby Buggy facilitates first-time mothers with in-home visits from a nurse throughout pregnancy and into the baby's infancy.  On the day of our drop-off, we got to ask a few questions to the very upbeat and hard-working staff.  The most surprising point to us was...

I'm Unique, You're Unique

We can all recognize at least one time in our lives when we wanted to run with the "in-crowd" when our happiness revolved around fitting in. When a woman gives labor it's her time to dig deep and find her way to get through the difficulties, the pain and the potentially awkward moments of modern delivery. Some women do it with laughter and yoga balls, some do it with hypnobirths and dance sessions. Whether it's kicking and screaming or rocking out through the contractions, the path through pregnancy is a universal experience with infinite expressions. Each woman...