Pretty Pushers blog — Labor Gown

A letter to the Hospital Gown

Thinking about what you'd like to change for your next birth?  How about finding a hospital that recognizes you as a strong mother, not an ill patient?  Never be afraid to ask beforehand what choices you will have during labor and delivery.

Hospital Gown review

New Birth Vlog from The Murrays

Can't get a sweeter Christmas Present than a baby girl!  Watch this birth story from The Murrays :

Congrats to this mama, who made her wishes known during labor and delivery!

Labor Gown Giveaway

Mainely Mama is packing her hospital bag...and she wants to pack yours, too!  Now thru December 27th, she is giving away maternity and baby goodies for expecting moms!  Enter now for your chance to win.

A new Birth Story on Daily Bumps

Missy Lanning is a 2-time Pretty Pusher who inspires us with her strength when a long labor unexpectedly turns into a Csection.  Follow her throughout pregnancy, birth, and family moments that will surely bring smiles!


Mama Gracie's display of Pretty Pushers

Labor and Delivery Gowns by Pretty Pushers at Mama Gracie's in Minneapolis!

Mama Gracie's is your one stop shop in Minneapolis for maternity and baby gear