Pretty Pushers blog — lamaze

Attention NYC preggos!

One regret that we hear repeated again and again is “I wish I was more prepared for birth”.

Preparedness is education and power... go get some on October 3rd
💥. Our doula partner @chantal.traub will be there to offer priceless skills for the big day. There are a few spots left!  From strengthening your pelvic floor to breathing to can't hurt (pun intended) to have several labor and delivery scenarios in your back pocket for when the day comes.


Chantal Traub NYC...</p>

    <p class=Read the article →

Winter Babies

Expecting a little Sagittarius or Capricorn?  Get your winter color fill with the new Ice Blue labor gown from Pretty Pushers.  New winter color labor gown from Pretty Pushers - Ice Blue


Prepare for the unexpected.  Know your rights, and know your hospital's protocol.  Educate yourself about all the ways a labor may unfold.  Then you may just get the birth you want!  

Preparing for birth