Pretty Pushers blog — made in america

What it means to be Made in the USA

Pretty Pushers products are Made in the USA.  That could mean a lot of different things, but to us, it means

*Having control over our manufacturing  

*Knowing the people who are making our products - we know their stories and their families

*We pay a premium.  American employees are not cheap.  For every dollar spent, we pay 20% on top for taxes and other fees that don't go to us or the employee

*We also pay other American corporations, labor, services, and freelancers.  We hire local bookkeepers and accountants to keep track of their hours, fees, and...

Made in NYC

We're so lucky to have our design studios and our manufacture here in New York and the surrounding area. We help people have jobs. We help people who sew, pack and deliver bring a better quality of life to their children. We hope other people find the supply chains they need to proudly say, "Made in America." This Friday there is a Made in NYC initiative on twitter and all over social media to promote Manufacturing Day on 10.04.13. Use the Hashtags #madeinNYC #HowItsMade and #MFGstory. You can visit...