Pretty Pushers blog — pregnancy
How one woman took control during her Labor
Birth Empowerment Starts with you - know your rights.
Winter Babies
Expecting a little Sagittarius or Capricorn? Get your winter color fill with the new Ice Blue labor gown from Pretty Pushers.
Black Friday sale at Pretty Pushers
Why would you wear a used unisex hospital gown for birth when you can bring your own for under $30? Friday thru Monday get 20% off storewide at and get an EXTRA 15% discount with code #ownyourlabor at checkout! #blackfriday #pregnancy#blackfridaysale #laborgown
Trending: Moms Demand Comfort during Birth
Grand Junction, CO has gotten in right. As KJCT reported on Friday, Community Hospital and a nearby maternity store, Colorado Baby, are offering pregnant women something other than the scratchy unisex hospital gown for labor and delivery.
Hiring a Doula
Awesome Doula with a red fan - I wish this was in our hospital bag! We have to repost everything this mom wrote on instagram - it's so true! Owning her labor in a green Pretty Pushers gown - Thank you Green Tara Birth andCarriage House Birth
"... Seen here, is my incredible doula @samhugg of @carriagehousebirth who was integral in helping us through the birth experience. She was able to help guide me through a challenging decision making process and keep me centered and...