Pretty Pushers blog

Retailer Spotlight: The Orchid Nest

The Orchid Nest was founded in 2013 by Lorie McCoy, the co-founder of Amazing Births & Beyond.  Lorie has been educating and advocating for families in South Florida for more than a decade and has provided support at more than 800 births.  The focus of Lorie and her dedicated team is to inspire better birth through advocacy, education and support. She is also a Sacred Pregnancy Instructor, HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator,...

Giving back in NYC

We are lucky enough to be 1 block away from Baby Buggy, an awesome organization founded by Jessica Seinfeld  aimed at distributing donated gear to needy women and families all over the country.  


Pretty Pushers has donated labor gowns to the Nurse-Family program, through which Baby Buggy facilitates first-time mothers with in-home visits from a nurse throughout pregnancy and into the baby's infancy.  On the day of our drop-off, we got to ask a few questions to the very upbeat and hard-working staff.  The most surprising point to us was...


I was very fortunate to experience a joyous, high-energy pregnancy, and as a result, many moms and moms-to-be ask me what I did to stay on track. For infinite reasons, I recommend the following five bits of advice. What is so outstanding about making these purposeful dietary and lifestyle choices is that they can develop into a very powerful way to bond with your baby.

In Her Own Time

Ever feel rushed? Like every day? Taking our time, doing it our way --that's how we want to live but it's not always how we actually live. Then we get to birth and everyone's staring at us, looking at our privates, scrutinizing us with clocks, rates and their own busy schedules. Everyone wants the baby now. Well, they can wait. In fact, they need to wait.



Patience is a virtue in the best of times, but it's priceless when dealing with our bodies in labor.

She Labored Her Way