Pretty Pushers blog
Every Birth Story is Special
This expecting mom was afraid that a labor induction would lead her away from the natural birth she wanted.
But in fact, despite the cervadil, pitocin, and epidural, she was able to stay calm and peacefully push out her baby boy in 30 minutes! Her family and friends were nearby to welcome him to the world and all was fine in the end. This reminds us to expect the unexpected, and that we can still embrace our own story, even if it happened differently from the first draft.
Sample Sale
New Maternity and Plus Sizes in this Sample Sale roundup!
Not many people can say they are just $19.99 away from a better birth. Pretty Pushers can! Comfort and mobility during labor and delivery await in every style of Pretty Pushers labor gowns - which all come equipped with openings for fetal monitors, access for IVs, and stretch for skin to skin. Grab Bag samples are just $19.99 and shipping is free! While supplies last...
Just Bring the Milk
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, we at Pretty Pushers want to say Just Milk It!
However you want or need to do it - a happy mom means a happy baby. Breast or Bottle, from the freezer or from the jug - Baby Formula or other methods (my mom used to talk about having goat's milk) - we are proud of all the moms out there!
How many products are really Made in America?
A lot of us say that we 'like to buy American-Made products when possible'
- but the truth is that they are few and far between and never all in one place. On the rare occasion that we turn over a label and find 'Made in the USA' it's like "WOW I can't believe it!". Pretty Pushers has just jumped on board with Made In America Co. - a community and marketplace of brands and companies that all have the same mission - to support American mills, factories, real estate, and jobs....
VBAC Podcast
This VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) Podcast gives us multiple birth stories filled with hope! is worth following to hear stories from real moms who have triumphed beyond previous C-sections to then get the VBAC they always wanted.
Episode 6 features Karina, who gave birth with Type 1 Diabetes. Her labor and sweet baby images are captured by Julie Marks of Picture Your Birth