Pretty Pushers blog
Pack your Hospital Bag
Ashley and Co. tells us why some of these things are better than the hospitals'. Bring your own Delivery Gown, Socks, Robe, Blanket, and more. Those from the hospital are likely...less than desirable!
Winter Babies
Expecting a little Sagittarius or Capricorn? Get your winter color fill with the new Ice Blue labor gown from Pretty Pushers.
Support your local Businesses
It makes a difference to shop local! We are so thankful to the retailers that support us. By investing in Pretty Pushers, they are investing in the American economy. #MadeintheUSA
Black Friday sale at Pretty Pushers
Why would you wear a used unisex hospital gown for birth when you can bring your own for under $30? Friday thru Monday get 20% off storewide at and get an EXTRA 15% discount with code #ownyourlabor at checkout! #blackfriday #pregnancy#blackfridaysale #laborgown
Trending: Moms Demand Comfort during Birth
Grand Junction, CO has gotten in right. As KJCT reported on Friday, Community Hospital and a nearby maternity store, Colorado Baby, are offering pregnant women something other than the scratchy unisex hospital gown for labor and delivery.